Moreton Bay Fishing Report
Credit: Spero K
March 18th 2025
Hope most survived the cyclone and i for one would be more then happy not to ever see another one ,it was scary stuff being over the top of us in Brisbane and living on the bay side thank heavens for moreton and stradbroke islands are there to take the power out of it,but feel for the folks living on the islands.
The water is not the best but the whiting by all reports are in good numbers in amity banks and the rous channel,have heard nothing on the reef fishing front but some nice broad mackerel in the rainbow channel where the water is much cleaner then further in the bay ,a few years back when we had floods the school and broad mackerel were between stradbroke and moreton and into the rainbow .
The crabbing seems to have taken of big time with the sand crabs in big numbers opposite the lazarette gutter along maroon and amity banks and plenty of mud crabs close in the mouth of most creeks,no news on the prawning in the last week i think there is lots of rubbish still floating out of the rivers..
March 4th 2025
Morning everyone ides of march are upon us who thought cyclone of the top of us ? the prediction is scary and being thru one on a boat in the Whitsundays many moons ago its bloody scary thing to go thru ,so everyone take care and keep as safe as you can ,lets hope we get thru it without any catastrophic destruction.. and we will all get back sooner rather then later back to normality,stay as safe as you can.
February 23 rd 2025
Lots of windy days to get ready and wait for the calm,good news is the prawns from all reports are pretty thick everywhere from north to south in all the known spots like tinny creek ,salt works ,cabbage creek and so on ,this all comes from friends that prawn i don’t i just hope they drop me some in.Nd if you get a net full of herring don’t swear and curse excellent snapper bait.
The school mackerel are still around the hope banks south east of the banks and they are starting to show up on the western side before the deep trench before you hit the hope banks,and lots as well just inside the bar between amity and Moreton,and still a few around shark spit.
Whiting are in big numbers at amity banks ,fisherman’s gutter and in the rous against the maroon banks and banana banks has enough for dinner and some really nice size Flathead.
The tiger squid are in good numbers in the rous and chain banks amity banks and fisherman’s as as soon as the wind drops no reason not to get a fresh feed.
The crabs have moved out into the deeper water with plenty about but lots just under size.
just for everyone to know i am no longer with a boat so reports will be second hand and from 46 years of records that i have for the bay,and lots of good friends that are like me and want to help folks catch a fish .so till next time good fishing spero
February 11th 2025
Some nice weather at the moment and plenty of fish around ,still some good schoolies around a little quieter with the big tides building but enough to get a feed ,best bet is around the hope banks at the moment incoming tide is best,there were even some yesterday west of hope banks .
The whiting are still around the chain banks but the big numbers are in fisherman’s gutter and the rous channel and the tiger squid are in good numbers in the same areas and aggressive so worth a jig behind the boat while whiting fishing or two or three jigs and concentrate on squid fishing,its worth it ..

February 8th 2025
Weather has been ok with big tides in the morning not the best for mackerel trolling in the bay but still a few around with the incoming tides ,plenty of nice big sweetlip at green island with the outgoing tide ,just have to be patient and wait for them to come on ,and plenty of whiting in the blue hole and amity banks ,with plenty of squid on the western side of the bay where the water is nice and clean,the western bay water is terrible as trawlers have been working all night between hope banks and green island ..plenty of big mudcrabs around at the moment i managed a giant in the marina the other day.
The spotty mackerel have gone very quiet but reports came in of big schools east of caloundra so hoping they make there way into the bay..good fishing

February 5th 2025
Managed an overnight trip but Tuesday was no fun at all whitecaps everywhere but lucky the school mackerel were in excellent number south and south east of hope banks bigger fish on the smith jigs but plenty on the single hook halco with gold splash ,green island produced plenty of squire in the 35 to 40 cm range so it was fun to get out of the wind and catch a few catch and release was lots of fun ,the bigger fish were on Wednesday morning on the eastern home before the rain ,week end is looking ok on the weather prediction front so we will wait and see.
February 3rd 2025
Well not much fishing in the last week with howling winds out in the bay unless you are from amity or dunwich or fished and crabbed and prawned in the sheltered waters,for the rest of us its wait and wait till the winds ease ,which if predictions are correct is Tuesday afternoon onward ,water is a terrible color with big winds and big tides so i would be looking at rous channel fisherman’s gutter and amity banks for our whiting fix,and snapper and sweet lip around the bay islands ,mackerel also on the western side of more ton and rainbow channel,squid have been improving on the eastern side of bay and should get better in the coming weeks.crabs are still plentiful and all the prawners are waiting for the starters gun to go off ,seems like lots of talk but no great action yet ,is what i have been told…any way lets see what this week bring hope to go out for a few days and see.
For ll those thinking where has the whiting master gone he is just going thru a pretty terrible time fighting the big C but hoping to have him well soon.thank you to all that have sent messages to ask.
January 21st 2025
A few magic days on the bay in between the strong winds with lots of fish ,the school mackerel have moved from the rous and are more around the hope banks and the basin at peel island the spotties are not ravenous at the moment with small schools of females not really interested in much food they are all over from the hope banks to spoiled grounds and east of mud island lets hope the males come in to get them going in the next week or so.
The whiting are slowing up in the chain banks and lots have moved into the fisherman’s gutter and amity banks still good to get a feed at chain banks but you need tide run ..a few squid in fisherman’s and chain banks as well even a few little arrows mixed in.
some lovely snapper and sweet lip at green and spoiled grounds just need to put the time in as there are many sharks as well.
January 15th 2025
A few great days on the bay weather wise big tides put the school mackerel down a bit in the middle of bay but they congregated in the rous channel in the thousands some small fish but i found fishing away from the bait and sharks were the bigger fish anyway it was lots of fun ,and seeing the young ones getting into them with grins from ear to ear was very satisfying.
The spotties also a little quit hoping the males come into the bay in big numbers soon.
the whiting are around the chain banks shallows at high tide and deeper as tide drops and the tiger squid are also showing up in same area.
January 9th 2025
Beautiful morning till we got belted with storms in the afternoon ,we made back in safe and sound,the school mackerel are in extraordinary numbers in the bay around the hope banks in the rous channel between fisherman’s and entrance to maroon gutter ,and peel island opposite the lazarete..
Went up north today to see where the spotties are and they were east of mud island at the western corner of the green zone,not big schools and definitely not sitting up feeding the small fast boats that put the time in to go hard and get a few casts to a few fish chipping was fruitful with some nice spotties being caught.
Whiting are still at the chain banks and rous channel but you need run in the tide,anyway we had fun catching a few nice mackerel for the day.
January 7th 2025
Great weather for the week and plenty of folks out with the kids catching some whiting and mackerel around the chain banks ,nothing like hearing kids so excited catching a fish and a few tiger squid are showing up in the same area as well,even the mackerel are turning up in the shallows reducing whiting to half their size,a pillie at the back on a float is worth having out.,plenty of whitebait at night western side of green as well and lots at horeshoe bay as well,tasty little critters.
Looks like the big female spotties are resting lets hope in the next week or so the thousands of males come into the bay ,worth looking down south around peel for spotties with ton of bait in the area.
January 3rd 2025
Happy new year to all ,well it was a good year fishing wise plenty of our local fish in the bay whiting,mackerel,squire and snapper ,Flathead the only species not the best this year were the prawns ,and squid and cuttlefish,but cant complain we had fun caught fish and even the whales this year were so much fun in so close..
Well the weather the last week has not been great with big tides and wind against made it very uncomfortable to try and fish the mackerel went down with these big tides as usual but the whiting were in great numbers at amity banks ,banana banks maroon gutter and chain banks and nice size fish as well, but when you can go out get a few whiting and turn them into beer batter tempura on the same day it does not get any better..
Week coming up is looking much more settled with smaller tides so spotties and schoolies should be on the bite ..and remember to take you’re butterfly nets plenty of great tasting whitebait in horseshoe bay.and yes i hand scale all my fish ,i hate the green dream nets to scale them.
hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year and good fishing.
Xmas day 2024
Merry xmas everyone .
The good news is the weather looks like improving a little with a few windows of opportunity to get out ,and please wait for those windows don’t put yourselves at risk or family and friends to go out when the weather is terrible its no fun remember you are the captain and you can say NO.not today.
The mackerel school and spotties are in the bay and i mean all over the bay i don’t think there was a spot not reported to me this past week where someone did not catch a schoolie or spotty so get the trolling boards out white or orange the 3 inch spoons or smith jigs and kimberly spoons and a few chrome slugs to throw into feeding schools on the surface and have some fun and get a fresh fish on the dinner my little friend Ethan out with dad caught lots and had lots of fun.
December 18th 2024
Took a quick trip out again today as is was dead calm and hot and humid ideal weather for the spotties but the rain squalls were not much fun so lucky to pick up a couple in between green and the artificial reef only a small school of about 12 fish ,and headed home as this south east change was on the cards .but plenty of schools on the eastern side of more ton again today but lots of mac tuna also everywhere,just remember they swim differently to the spotties ,there is an article on spotty mackerel for the bay i wrote years ago worth a read.
December 17th 2024
Some good news for the bay the big female spotties are in much better numbers on the eastern side of the bay with schools of 30 to 40 fish lots of bonito around but you cant miss the spotties so get youre spoons and chrome slugs out (making some up for water tower bait and tackle as we speak }and go get a few big spotties 75 to 85 cm are excellent fish and lets hope the males follow in in a few weeks time in bigger numbers.
December 14th 2024
The forecasts were all over the place and so was the weather the 10 knots turned into 15 to 18 and the bay with big tides and wind against the tide was no fun at all,managed Friday for a fish surprised to pick up a couple of schoolies with the big tides as normally they sit and don’t bite but happy and a friend picked up a very large spotty east of green while trolling also was told there were a few schools up towards harry last week ,so we just need a few dead calm days to see them.
The whiting were in ok numbers at amity banks but the big fish were at chain banks and the rous channel,and some nice squire and sweet lip at green island,lets hope the blow comes and goes quickly so we can get out there again.
December 7th 2024
A couple of nice days on the bay the whiting have shown up at chain banks and rous channel where it meats small boat passage still plenty at amity banks for a feed and banana banks have plenty as well.
The school mackerel are around the last green towards peel on amity banks and a few scattered around hope banks a few were caught at the 4 beacons today as well but i have not heard of one spotty being caught this week lets hope as the water clears we see some as there is a ton of whitebait and bluebait in the bay i even managed a scoop of blue bait for dinner.
a few mud crabs around but not to full i have been told ,the one i got was not full either.
The snapper and squire season and sweet lip is going very well managed fish at green peel and spoiled grounds so plenty about.
December 3rd 2024
Weather ok Monday but the northerly came in on Monday and blew all night and today was not much fun with a straight northerly pretty awful coming back from peel island ,but the fishing yesterday was very good with plenty of whiting on the amity banks and being such a big tide they were all the way on to the banks where normally its too shallow,the big schoolies were in the drop off at the amity banks as well in 13 to 18 ft depth and frog mouth pillies is what they eating the tide change was happening and lots of them a few also on the south eastern side of hope banks worth the huge run in tide .
Plenty of sandcrabs in the bay as well
Snapper fishing went out of the window with tide against wind at peel so got organized for the whitebait and they turned up in the thousands have not seen such a huge bait ball behind the boat so it was well worth the overnight stay it is one of our favorite thing to predictions seem ok but if its a straight northerly with no east in it it gets very lumpy.
November 27th 2024
Hooray finally weather brilliant fishing brilliant what more can we ask for ,great news first spotties are in the bay but don’t get to excited not yet balling up bait but are mixed in with the schoolies which have come on thick ,eastern side of hopes all the way to peel and the rous channel and north of spoiled ground lots caught over the last two days.
the whiting are east of the second green towards peel amity banks rous channel and banana banks plenty of quality fish .
whitebait in horseshoe bay if you have one of my butterfly nets so yummy.
the snapper and squire were in very good numbers around peel island ,so no complaints lots of fish and great weather..even caught a chinaman at peel a few around lately.
November 15th 2024
Plenty of nice mornings even if the weather wind forcasts are saying 10 to 15 its been very fishable till lunchtime on most days plenty of whiting at banana banks and amity banks and a few showing up again north of Darcy light and plenty of nice big cod as well in the bay from the rock wall at amity all thru the marina and bay islands ,and as mentioned lots of crabs in the shallows sand crabs and mud crabs as well,the weather looks like its going to settle in the week ahead ,keep an eye out for floating debris trees and other as huge tides and lots of rain has lots of odd things floating in the bay.
November 11th 2024
lest we forget.
The weather has been terrible with only a day here and there to get out for a fish,the whiting are still in the maroon gutter and amity banks and also some nice fish at banana banks.
the squire and sweetlip are in good supply if you can get a comfortable time with wind and tide in same direction peel and green have been good.
school mackerel reports southern end of bay are not good at all but a few caught on the northern side measured mile beacon and shark spit but with all the rain and dirty water coming out we will have to wait and see. looks like a horrible week ahead so all we can do is wait.
October 24th 2024
Finally a few really good days on the bay with plenty of whales out there around hope banks and plenty of fish.
The whiting seemed to slow down in fisherman’s gutter but plenty opposite on the east side of maroon gutter and amity banks and nice big fish as well,the chain banks should start to fire up soon as well,i found plenty at amity banks this week.
The squire and snapper has been fantastic with fish caught from all the close in bay islands and the spoiled grounds north of harry s peel fished really well .and plenty of big sweetlip mixed in.
The school mackerel are quiet this part of the bay but a few showing up around shark spit and north on the banks the odd one getting caught around peel but nothing to speak of.
The crabbing seems to be on fire with plenty of sand crabs and muddies in the creeks.
Hopefully the water temp gets a little higher but not to high as the indications for spotty mackerel are looking good with coral spawn and bonito chasing lots of bait and the blubber jelly fish coming into the bay as well we can only hope.
October 14th 2024
Some great days in between the wind and rain and rewarded with snapper plenty of whiting and a few mackerel all over the place.
The snapper and squire were eastern side of green and st Helena and plenty around peel from hole in the wall to the area south of hanlon like there are a few areas of coral but you need to be careful to fish between the green zones witch surround the bommies. garfish and whiting worked a treat.
the whiting are still in good numbers in fisherman’s gutter and amity banks and on the banks east of maroon gutter as well.prawns peeled worked best by far .lots of crabs thru out the bay with pots everywhere from the shallows to the deep water. and i have to say nothing beats snapper wings on the bbq.
October 10th 2024
Hard to get a day out but managed half a day on Monday ,and there were thousands of boats out ,tried a nice quite spot at st Helena but it was lie being in a washing machine with all the boats going past,snagged two nice squire and a nice tailor so well worth while ,and a few good reports of nice snapper at mud and spoiled grounds and harry s ,still lots of whiting in fisherman’s gutter .so maybe end of week when rains and storms ease it will be worth a trip out .ps good reports of plenty of sand-crabs as well in the bay ,schoolies a little slow with big tides and dirty water at the moment.
October 6th 2024
Windy windy and windy with only one day in-between but at least the fish are still waiting for us,the school mackerel have moved out a little around harry s and spoiled grounds and over to shark spit ,they should move back in a little in the next few weeks ,the whiting are in big numbers and quality in the rous channel ,fisherman’s gutter and amity banks martha and i got plenty ,and the squire snapper are in good supply around the bay islands and the artificial reefs so just have to be patient and wait for the calm days no good risking a really shitty day just to get a fish. and check out the new kimberly spoons and 3 inch chrome spoons lots of bling on and have been working a treat . watertower just got them in so get a few .
September 25th 2024
Fishing is great but the whales in the bay at the moment are spectacular especially around the hope bank area mum and calves and males roaring from female to female trying to have there way ,with tail slapping and breaching all over the place and calves resting on the mothers head upside down and so close to home it is truly a sight .
The whiting are in great numbers in the fisherman’s gutter and amity banks and the shallows around Darcy light in close ,snapper fishing has been really good around the shallows at green and wellington point and the spoiled ground north of harry s artificial reef .
With the dirty water and big tides the mackerel at the moment are western side of moreton island and stradbroke and till the water clears and smaller tides that’s where we will have to go ,north of shark spit is where i would try along the two sandbanks ..
Crabs have really come on as well with mark ethan getting plenty and lots of whiting as well.and my wife with a very large tiger squid from amity banks.
July 15th 2024
Time is upon us snapper /squire season closed today till august .
Lucky for us the school mackerel are in excellent numbers from the rainbow all the way past Myora one mile front of Dunwich all the way down to Deanbilla bay and even pelican banks ,trolling in the shallow water takes a little practice so you don’t catch one million grinners ,so my advise is keep bringing line closer to boat till grinners stop , wind looks like being up all week so they might start moving over to the western side of bay, been using the new double hook spoons and they are working well ,shiny chrome but i do ad a little bling in gold or yellow which in my opinion work better and you might need to put some chrome slugs in the kitty for the tailor moving around the bay,water tower stock both .
The whiting are still close in northern side of Darcy light all the way north to western side of st Helena just have to find the depth they are in normally around 9 to 11 ft.and plenty at amity banks and the maroon gutter some should be showing up in fisherman’s as well very soon,pelican banks area is producing sove very large whiting as well.
Arrows and cuttlefish are a little slow and my concern is the big cuttlefish are full of eggs which is a sign they are ending the cycle of life and the arrows are very scarce,looks like they are north and and gold coast,maybe this cold snap might trigger something .
July 11 th 2024
Finally the winds abated and we were out there catching a fresh feed of fish ,whiting have been really good in close and maroon gutter and amity banks with a few nice flathead mixed in i,have not been down to pelican banks but have had a few reports from reliable people who have been catching plenty down there as well.
Have not had a chance to go for schoolies around the rainbow and western side of north stradbroke but this Friday is the day i am planning for ,again i have good reports of schoolies all thru the shallow water around the southern bay islands,but i cant guarantee this info as no photos were forthcoming.
Some nice squire and snapper again this week at wellington point reef and green island and pike were the flavor of the week for them ,whiting heads worked well to.
July 1st 2024
We have been waiting a while for the schoolies to show up in good numbers on the western side of the bay and they have been a little late as they have shown up on the eastern side instead the rainbow channel one mile all the way down to pelican banks and they are plentiful so a board and a 3 inch spoon or a pillie floated out in these areas should get you a feed and they are so much fun to catch and taste great.
Sand crabs just keep getting caught in very large numbers with 12 to 14 crabs per pot and very large .
Whiting are starting to slow close in but rous amity and fisherman’s gutter will be the next areas for these ,and the cuttlefish are in good supply but arrow squid are very disappointing so far this year.but the cuttlefish are in good numbers with some jigs working the best .
June 27th 2024
Great week on the water got my best mate out after all the heartbreak we have had over the last 6 weeks and he cleaned up on his favorite fishing catching whiting ,i even let him bag out this time , but he had fun,still in close the whiting 10 ft mark east of Darcy light all the way to west of st Helena.
Cuttlefish still in good supply but not as many as i thought would be around at the moment and catching an arrow is hard to do i hope it improves.
Squire and snapper have been good at wello reef and green and st Helena and the spoiled ground has a good supply as well.
hopefully the schoolies will come out of hibernation very soon.
June 21st 2024
The weather has been perfect during the day as soon as the south westerlies stop mid morning and the fishing in close has been very good especially the whiting along the drop off from wynum manly marina leads 10 to 12 ft all the way north to the western side of st Helena and plenty of big fish as well,the cuttlefish are still running on the eastern side of wello all the way to mud but not as many arrow squid as you would expect and the tigers are slowing up in the shallows ,reef fishing has been a little slow as are the schoolies might have to look for them down the rainbow channel and the western side of morton ,tailor were in good numbers around mud the last few days as well.and a few big tusk fish around mud island as young tim found.
crabbing just keeps getting better as some pots are bringing up 12 to 14 crabs at a time,
June 17th 2024
Weather has been ok south westerly every morning sometimes a little stronger then we like but easing of mid morning so fishable,lots of whiting in close along the drop off from Darcy light to the western side of st Helena ,big cuttlefish and a few arrows showing up eastern side of wellington point to mud island lots of tailor around mud island and Cleveland and a few schoolies down the rainbow channel mixed in with the bonito ,crabbing is amazing eastern side of st Helena so there goes the theory of months with R in them for sand crabs, had a few great days out with some good friends and the kids well not kids anymore but lots of fun dad Shane, kade and Mackenzie who cleaned up on the whiting,and also met up with mark and son Ethan cleaning up on crabs and whiting as well ,great to see young ones having fun in the bay.
June 10 th 2024
Westerlies have started early and the first thing i will say pls be careful with the westerly winds ,you cant see the whitecaps from shore but you will see them coming back home ,we have lost too many lives in the bay with strong westerly winds.
One other thing a couple of newspapers and experts keep telling fisherman the limit for winter whiting is 23 cm that is not correct there is no limit for winter whiting its 50 fish total but no size limit.
So back to the report plenty of whiting in close in 10 to 11 ft depth from leads at manly all the way to st Helena but they are at a certain depth but once you find them they are plentiful.
The cuttlefish are in good numbers and the arrow squid have started as well ,pls take what you need so they can breed and we can have lots every year.
Mackerel are not in big numbers but there are enough and the tailor are with them ,reef fishing is very quiet at the moment hopefully with the colder weather we should start getting a few squire .
May 30th 2024
Terrible conditions but the school mackerel in pretty good numbers wide of wello leads in 32 ft depth with change of tide,plenty of whiting on the north western side of green island if you dont want to go all the way to amity banks and cuttlefish and squid around green and wellington point.
May 28th 2024
Weather gods have been kind and the bay is producing some lovely eating fish ,the whiting are pretty thick at the maroon gutter and hole and amity bank side,the school mackerel with the smaller tides are showing up in good numbers from wide of wellington point to the hope banks and a few closer in as well with some good size tailor as well,the tiger squid are still in good number eastern side of green island and amity banks and the cuttlefish are ramping up from wellington point to mud island and they quite large for the start of the season.
Had some nice squire around green island but some bigger sharks are being very annoying especially when they take both good fish of the morning 50 plus both of them.Some very nice painted lobsters around the islands as well.
Crabbing especially sand crabs are still in big numbers and still lots of mud crabs around the southern bay islands ,and my good friend keeps bringing prawns so i know the season is going well..
27 May 2024
Out for a few hours and plenty of fish around ,mackerel wide of Wello Leads 30 ft depth tiger squid in Green Island shallows and plenty of cuttlefish at Wello as well, whiting were thick at Amity Banks as a mate got plenty ..crabs are still on big numbers .and someone is happy got here a big tailor..
April 14th 2024
What great weather on the week end and looks like the whole week is a typical calm autumn week.
The fishing was great lots of big school mackerel southern side of hope banks ,whiting were in big numbers in the maroon gutter both ends rous and peel but better at peel end in the shallows eastern side and lots of tiger squid in the area as well any dark weed grounds was holding lots ,and lazarette produced some nice 38 to 42 cm squire and sweet lip so great week end fishing.
April 11th 2024
Some nice days for a fish and a little bit of a shock with change of temperature but the fishing is good ,lots of whiting in the maroon gutter all the way from rous channel entrance and amity banks,squid in the same area and good school mackerel south east of hope banks and an occasional spotty ,plenty of tiger squid as well at green and Victoria point and even the marinas are full of squid and prawns,so need to get out and catch a few weather looking forward looks promising .crabs are also thick in the bay and some nice coral crabs north and the prawns when you find them are thick,my friend seb cleaned up the other day and looking how many in one cast you can see why he has a huge smile .
April 1st 2024
No April fool jokes , the weather was not to kind over the long brake with wind and rain on Sunday Monday the only good news was the school mackerel and a few broad mackerel were hungry Eastern side of hope banks towards naval banks ,hiding in the lazarette gutter a few squire and even a king fish turned up ,no chance for squid and whiting as it was too lumpy for the family.
one thing this year seems like the crabs especially the mud crabs are in plague proportions as they are being caught in large numbers.
March 21 st 2024
Lucky we managed a few days as the strong wind warning happened as BOM predicted and i have to say BOM has been fantastic lately for the bay predictions.
On the fishing front the whiting have moved from the chain bank area so we will need to find the schools and where they have gone to i would assume further into the small boat passage ,amity banks and maroon gutter and fisherman’s but would not have moved to far ,some good reports of good whiting north of Darcy light in front of wynum in around the 10 ft mark,will have to check it out close to home.
‘The schoolies are not in big numbers yet a few good size fish east of hope banks and the good news a few big spotties in the same area managed a couple so that’s good news they should hang around till Easter ‘The schoolies are not in big numbers yet a few good size fish east of hope banks and the good news a few big spotties in the same area managed a couple so that’s good news they should hang around till Easter ,and a few nice bonito in the same area.
Tiger squid are showing up in better numbers so finally the season has begun ,dolphins were giving them a touch up last week at the sand hills ,just a tip where there are lots of turtles in the grass areas is a good sign for squid in the area.
March 19th 2024
Great few days wind wise bay looked like a sheet of glass ,a few schoolies around but no spotties i think north of peel will be the place to look for them ,reef fish were good around green and no shark this time and plenty of small tigers on the eastern side in the shallows, worth a try a half razor pillies for the reef fish and burlying up with the tails seemed to work a treat.
March 16th 2024
What a week plus of horrible fishing weather crabbing and prawning in the sheltered areas seemed the best option except Thursday afternoon and half of Friday so i sneaked out as it looked like the only window for another week of winds, went for a troll and managed a couple of schoolies saw a small school of big spotties but they only up for seconds and gone ,a couple of nice reef fish at green but the sharks were in the majority so fished east of green where there were plenty of small tiger squid ,got inked but all worth while and managed to get home before it blew a gale by 11am BOM got it perfect with their predictions for Thursday Friday ,lets hope wind eases by end of this week.
March 8th 2024
Wind has caught up with us so time to spit and polish fishing gear and for the ones that like crabbing and prawning in the sheltered areas is a perfect time to go get a few,and reports are pretty good so is the delivery from some good friends to the house as i don’t crab and cant throw a net for prawns ,very grateful…Tingalpa creek seems to have plenty of prawns and down to Coochi and north to Nudgie but seems like from what i have been told its hit and miss one day bag out next day half a bucket, lots of crabs in the bay and lots of muddies close in to the southern bay islands this time last year the Brisbane river was also full of sandies and mud crabs,lets hope some turn up at home (haha).
March 3rd 2024
Some nice weather out in the bay with glassy conditions but so hot and humid. First time I remember hoping for a breeze. The whiting are still in good numbers around the entrance to small boat channel both sides and in the deep water depending on tide and depth and a few arrow squid in the same area. Green island also starting to produce some tiger squid as well.
School mackerel are hit and miss at the moment and a few big bonito in large schools are showing up. Lots of small schoolies and spotties {baby’s} so looking OK for winter for the schoolies. I dont know where the spotties have gone to but all I see is very small schools with 3 to 5 fish and they can't hold a bait ball so I think its wait and see obviously they are not in big numbers in the bay.
A few decent fathead also in the sandy areas around the small boat channel so a nice mixture of fish ,my friends who prawn have been getting some nice feeds and so have the crabbing folks muddies around the southern islands and plenty of sand crabs around the close in bay islands.
So a good week lets hope this southerly cools us down a little.
February 25 th 2024
Great week for fishing crabbing and prawning school mackerel hard to find but if you put the time in you will get one or two from Hyubers out to around hope banks depending on the tide southern or northern side lee side always is best,spotties are not thick but the ones being caught are huge 80 cm plus schools still small but a few been caught on the spoons trolling for schoolies.
My friend Anthony and his father in law vicente all the way from Spain had a good day out with a bucket of whiting and a few schoolies.and my friend the whiting master caught plenty and a few tiger squid which are starting to show up as well.
Whiting are staying around the small boat channel from chain bank side to sand bank south of channel.and plenty of smaller ones north of Darcy light if you don’t want to go out to far.
Prawns seem to be getting caught around Coochiemudlo island Nikki and Scott netted a lovely feed .
Weather is turning but looks like a good day here and there.
February 21 st 2024
A few very nice days on the bay ,plenty of whiting in the chain banks area a few tiger squid showing up as well, the schoolies are hit and miss with the building of the bigger tides and the big spotties are teasing us but when you get one it is a lot of fun ,not staying up long but they are eating whitebait instead of razor pillies like last week ,so hopefully they will find the acres of whitebait further into the bay and if the schools get bigger they will be able to hold the bait balls together a little longer,looks ok for another day or so .
February 15th 2024
Well, we had to wait for the weather but a few good days and fishing. Good whiting around the Chain Banks is slowing up and they will probably move onto the banks and further into the channel - plenty of boats catching plenty. There are a few tiger squid showing up and a few small black king fish in the whiting grounds as well.
The Spotties are in but small schools and not staying up for long and the reason is they are eating herrings and razor pillies and not blue bait or white bait. I don’t know why as the Schoolies are eating the smaller bait, anyway the Spotties are north west of Hope Banks and hard to get if you aint got a fast boat and you can see them swimming on the surface or just under. They are taking the chrome slugs but its hard work - lets hope they find the blue bait (froggies) or whitebait and start balling them up on the surface so the turns can point an arrow to where they are. The good news is the school mackerel are around the Hope Banks and lots of 6 to 8 inch babies in large numbers so it should be a great autumn and winter season for them. A couple of things, one don’t throw the back frames away they have so much meat on and are so so tasty, second thing the laws are back so ring netters can catch Spotties with nets again so don’t abuse the pros pls they have a license to ring net in the Bay.
February 5th 2024
Patience has paid off - a few schools of spotties in the bay and it should get better, get your chrome slugs and go chase a few.
February 4th 2024
Some really good days with light winds and the water is cleaning up nicely with the smaller tides and the school mackerel are back biting a little better around the Hope Banks. Got told by a friend he caught a spotty but i need to see picture first.
Whiting are still in big numbers in the small boat passage so no reason not to get a feed and the kids can have some fun and a good day out ,my wife had a ball with the whiting caught so many her hands were sore.
I had a great morning at peel island on the snapper and squire around the hole in the wall ,perfect outgoing tide with not lots of run fresh whiting heads what more can snapper and squire ask for..
Mackerel should get better with smaller tides early this week ,and outgoing tides are perfect for snapper..
Whiting will be around for a while but will be moving up on the southern bank in the next few weeks.
January 25th 2024
Nice day middle of 3 or 4 blowing ones but big tides kept the schoolies a little quite managed 3 on the way out with my mate for a whiting fish so day ended up very good lots of whiting entrance to chain banks ,next few days looks pretty ordinary but going up for a look for spotties next week when weather settles wide of shark spit will let you know if i see any..good time to stock up on some slugs for throwing at the spotties or jigging for schoolies my 35 gram chrome slugs are sold at water tower bait and tackle very cheap and the ones with trebles are only a couple of dollars extra. They have been catching fish for me for 30 years so I can tell you they work a treat ..till next time good fishing.
January 22nd 2024
Weather turned out great and lots of boats out in the bay catching plenty of fish ,whiting were thick in the small boat channel around the chain banks with over 30 boats catching a nice feed ,bait of choice was definitely blood worms or beach worms prawns and squid were ok but the grinners loved the squid .my better half had a good day out catching plenty.
The schoolies were hit and miss around hope banks but the bigger tides did not help a few were caught ,but the best news was that a few big spotties have turned up so keep an eye out when the weather settles again .a friend Andrew caught a big fish on the troll on a spoon,
January 19th 2024
Some really nice calm days out in the bay for the last week of school holidays and plenty of fish for all ,schoolies were good around hope banks hour each side of the tides and the lee side when the water is streaming in or out,no spotties in the southern bay yet.
The whiting are in great numbers in the small boat passage chain bank side and very large fish.
The sweetlip are in large numbers along the bay islands and wellington drop of with some nice squire mixed in ,just got to put up with the green sea toads and extra large cat fish and a few sharks thrown in but worth the quality of the reef fish.
January 12th 2024
Finally the school mackerel have come back on the bite around the hope banks and a few as well at the measured mile beacon and a couple of big fish in the rainbow ,but sad to say not a sign of any spotties yet in the southern bay,oh well schoolies taste as good.
The whiting are in good numbers and big in the small boat channel entrance and maroon gutter and there are lots of squire sweet lip and tusk and Moses perch all around the bay island mullet flesh and whole green prawns worked very well for the sweet lip..
A few windy and wet days ahead but the middle of next week looks ok.hope a couple of dead calm days like last week would be great.
January 6th 2024
Not the best day in the bay especially when wind against tide but lucky for us the whiting were thick in the small boat channel and chain our bucket and left .my old mate does not like to much rock and roll.
Water colour was terrible for mackerel but the temperature has dropped a little since all the rain so hopefully next week if the water clears the spotties might make an appearance - we can only hope.
December 31st 2023
Wishing all the best of health and happiness for 2024 and plenty of good days for fishing..
Plenty of whiting in the small boat channel and maroon gutter and some nice squire and sweet lip around the islands .
Be careful with the storms and debris in the water better to miss a day fishing and be safe then risk you’re life and family for a day out..
December 20th 2023
Cant beat a good day on the bay when you can take out a few young ones that have wanted to catch a few whiting for years ,fish were thick in the chain banks small boat passage ,kids caught plenty ,had fun,did not get a hook in the hands ,did not cut themselves ,learned to scale did not loose any of them ,had lunch and brought them safely home well done olivia,liam,zane old man now needs a nap..
December 19th 2023
Thank you all for your feedback and kind words and I hope we have helped you get a few fish for the dinner table …….. lets do it again in 2024 if we can.
Whiting are plentiful in the small-boat passage along chain banks and also entrance to Maroon Gutter entrance and with these winds low tide once you get there makes it a little more comfortable.
The schoolies are small but a few big females mixed in along the drop of between Green at Chain banks all the way to the two greens on the western side of Amity banks,a few small ones in the mix and a few in the Rous channel but you need to put the time in to find them. No sign of spotties someone posted that they are in the Rous but until I see a photo I won't believe it. Still waiting and waiting for the tiger squid to show …till next few days good fishing.
December 14th 2023
A few good days that were worth a trip out especially whiting which are in excellent numbers and size thru out the areas of the chain banks Rous channel and Maroon gutter and Fisherman’s gutter. The fish at the Chain banks and Small Boat passage are really large …… 30 plus is the size of most fish. Plenty of boats on Tuesday Wednesday getting a nice feed.
The school mackerel are not on the bite with these big tides a few small ones around and still no sign of any spotties deep into the bay ,saw a few mutton bay in the bay and there is plenty of bait if they decide to come in.
Sweet lip are in really good numbers around the bay islands and plenty of tusk fish in the shallows as well king island and western and eastern side of peel are good as is st Helena.
December 8th 2023
Some really nice fishing days on the bay with the schoolies starting again after the big tides Rous Channel is where they are showing up and also the north east corner near the start of the chain banks, lots of little ones but we managed half a dozen really nice ones in between .
No sign of the Spotties yet, the water temperature is perfect for them so lets hope.
The whiting are in very good numbers in the entrance to maroon hole where the yellow floating beacon was which has now gone,who knows why ,so nothing there to show you the bank so be careful if you are traveling thru there at night, whiting have also moved into the Small Boat Channel on the chain banks side.
Still no sign of tiger squid in these areas.
The squire and sweet lip are in good numbers around Green Island and St Helena, so lets hope the cyclone stays north ..
December 3rd 2023
Rain and storms arrived and the whiting are on the bite from fisherman’s gutter and maroon channel on the rous side, and close in. I have been getting some nice whiting north of Darcy but you do need to spend a little time finding them.
The water temp has risen nicely for the spotties to come into the bay a few reports from north but did not see any photos and till i see photos i don’t believe much. End of this week looks ideal for the schoolies to resurface and a few spotties to show up like last year will be out for a few days so will be able to see.
Terrible so far for tiger squid in close and not many at all in the whiting grounds but a few around the rock wall at Amity and the Rainbow Channel. A few also western side of Moreton Island in the weed banks close in. The Chain Bank area the damn big sea toads are a pain in the butt smashing expensive squid jigs to bits.
Some nice squire and sweet lip around but the ugly big catfish are also in numbers around green and St Helena and lots at Mud. Thank heaven the pro netters are getting lots of happy moments and cat fish for the markets. Sand crabs are also in good numbers and lots of muddies as well.
And be careful this time of year lots of stone fish on the surface floating in the bay especially when kids are playing with nets in the shallows.
November 26th 2023
Well we waited long enough for the weather to settle and finally a couple of really good days but most were pretty shitty ,but that’s fishing ,tides are huge so we have to wait another week to see where the schoolies surface and maybe just maybe some early spotties would be good let's wait and see.
Lots of nice whiting in Fisherman’s Gutter and the entrance to Maroon gutter and all the way to Maroon Hole starting to show up in the Rous as well - not big numbers yet .
Did not get a chance to fish for any snapper hiding from the winds but picked up a few nice tusk fish western side of green which was lots of fun and a bucket or two of whiting north side of Darcy Light especially with good run in the tide,3 to 6 ft depth.
Tiger squid are hard to come by with a few being caught at the Sand Hills and Amity along the rock wall. I did try Green today but the water is still murky and I did not see any at all. They should show up in the Rous and Chain Banks shortly as the whiting move in.
November 13th 2023
A few nice days weather wise only problem was no prediction on the storm coming thru on Friday night was not forecast till too late for most in the bay to do anything about it lucky it weakened out other wise i think BOM would have had it fair share of complaints.
Water was not the cleanest but the fishing was ok nothing spectacular a few small schoolies in close eastern side of green but no size at all and the snapper were replaced by sweet lip which was fun in the shallows at green on cuttlefish legs and no sinker ,lost heaps getting broken of but landed some nice ones to make it worthwhile.
The Darcy light area still has some whiting around especially a little north enough for lunch and dinner, and a few tailor still thru out the bay .
Looks like some ordinary conditions this week and hopefully it gets the whiting into the rous and chain bank area a little late getting there this year.
November 8th 2023
A few nice days on the bay and winds around to the north east and water is very clear and the small schoolies are arriving towards the western part of the bay ,lots of babies today just two keepers but it should not be long for the bigger ones to arrive.
The snapper and squire are in good numbers on the eastern side of st Helena and green island with some really nice fish,especially with outgoing tide .
A few nice whiting on the western side of st Helena but the pros worked it pretty good today so might have to wait for a few days plenty of fish for all ..
November 5th 2023
Winds abated and a couple of nice days school mackerel have still not come over to the western side of bay but hanging around rainbow channel,whiting are in good supply in fisherman’s gutter ,plenty of good squire and sweet lip around the bay islands and a tailor or two in the bay ,this little bit of rain should bring the fish on even more.
Plenty of sandcrabs throughout the bay close in to wynnum and lota so no excuse for a good feed.
Looks like a nice week coming up good fishing ..
October 10th 2023
Finally the winds stopped and it was great to get back out on the Bay. The squire and sweet lip and some nice snapper are being caught in all the bay island drop offs and the whiting are thick at the blue hole and fisherman’s gutter - still managing a feed in the deeper water of amity banks. The fun part is seeing all the whales so close into the Bay today they were only a kilometer east of King and Green islands - it was a great start to the day.
Schoolies are not in any numbers in the middle of the bay and picked one up just east of Wellington Point leeds. They should start in that area soon i hope.
October 2nd 2023
Some great days in the Bay, lots of fish especially snapper and squire and the whiting are thick at Blue Hole and Fishermans Gutter. The mackerel are down with these big tides but will be back this week in Rainbow Channel opposite Amity. Was best and the western side of Peel, I managed to snag one while looking for the whales and i have to say we have lots and lots of whales in the Bay at the moment from south west of Peel all the way to east of Green and St Helena and all the way to the Sandhills they are everywhere.
Managed some really nice fish at the south western side of Horseshoe bay hiding from the northerly winds so lots of fun in the bay these last few days. If you get a chance take the kids and family to see the whales they wont be in for long and its lots of fun ..
Till next time good fishing and whale watching Spero.
September 26th 2023
Blowing a gale over the past week end but has settled nicely some nice fish been caught reef fishing has been good and a few jew in the bay as well my friend Seb picked up a beauty just of amity banks and young George fishing with his dad picked up a nice squire ,and Gavin trolling first time in the bay with a spoon and diving board was thrilled with first ever schoolie. Green Island fished well for lovely pan size squire and sweetlip so fun had by all.
Anyone fishing the bay out of Manly will notice new beacons in the bay east of Green - red and white 4 in total I was advised these have been put there by MSQ for the sailing folks to have permanent racing marks so be aware of them .
September 20th 2023
Some beautiful weather on the bay can't ask for anything better for school holidays with plenty of whiting around at the blue hole,maroon gutter and amity banks and some nice ones north of Darcy light towards the river on the shallow banks,been getting a few in the deeper water of amity banks in 35 ft depth as they are there to spawn and full of roe,which we love to eat.
The school mackerel are starting to show up in better numbers in close from green to wellington point and southern side of hope banks and along the drop off from chain banks all the way to the two greens at amity banks. better always with incoming tide., a few at rainbow but i would not waste my fuel for the odd one there at the moment,the good news also some real small babies in the bay which is good news for the next few months,
Squire are in good numbers around the bay islands and a few nice sweet lip at harry s as well.
The best news is plenty of whales for the kids (and adults i love seeing them) in the bay they seem to surface around lunchtimes so worth a look from harry s to hope banks to peel and Cleveland so enjoy them don’t get too close .
September 17th 2023
The weather was perfect just how I love it - dead calm and lots of fish. The school mackerel are waking up and they are on the bite but not all day. East of the Hope Banks and south west of the banks is where they are fronting - big males and females - a few smaller fish mixed in but it really should get better. Good sign is always the whales come in the bay, I don't know why but its been a pattern for many years, a couple of hours of the incoming tide seems the best time to get them Kimberly spoons at the moment working best as are the normal spoons a little bling on god or yellow is working best.
The squire were very good on the outgoing tide around Green island and St Helena. Had a great day on Saturday bagged out and was catching and releasing 50 cm plus squire lots of fun.
The sand crabs are throughout the bay from close in and throughout the bay so it's time to catch a few.
The whales are in the bay so with school holidays good time to take the kids out between Hope Banks and Peel seems the place to be but they are showing all over..
Till next time good fishing
September 7th 2023
Managed a window this morning as the forecast was northerly but waking up this morning it was a SSE which was perfect for last of outgoing tide. And wind in same direction, so I hurried out (not to fast only do 6 knots) - an hour later than I wanted but the fish were on. Plenty of big sweet lip and a few nice squire - managed to drop the biggest one next to the boat but did not matter. Glass conditions and plenty of fish. Happy days.
September 6th 2023
Nice enough week end had some good reports of a few school mackerel in close but only in ones and twos at the moment. They should congregate sooner or later - if you are traveling slowly good idea to have the diving boards out as they could front up anywhere. I went out today horrible northerly swell but glassed out with incoming tide - fished out in front of Wellington Leeds where the depth drops to 35 ft for some Schoolies.l Managed one nice one but the sharks turned up and that was the end of that. Interestingly i have been catching nice whiting on the bottom in the same area and depth so when you see that growth on the bottom same as the growth on the first green at Amity Banks there are plenty of whiting so worth a try. When anchored up floating pillies out, .
August 31st 2023
Another trip around the sun for me feeling old hitting the 70th but as long as i can go fishing makes me feel better especially when I realize I have been fishing the Bay for 50 years - time flies. I have to say with all the extra boats and fishing in the Bay apart from a few changes the fishing is as good as it was back then.
The mackerel are making there way in closer but they for some reason go of the bite with big tides so as the tides slow the fishing for them will get better,still some being caught at rainbow channel and south of hope banks and a few in the Rous but not one area really firing yet.
The whiting have gone quiet around the Darcy light but the Blue Hole is loaded with them and Amity Banks has gone a little quiet as well. The area that should start to fire this time of the year is the Small Boat channel Chain Bank side or Maroon side. Been picking up some large whiting in 35 ft depth while drifting for mackerel in the 35 ft depth at the first green at Naval Reserve banks
Squire and snapper are in good numbers at peel and a few at Mud the Artificial reefs are producing some nice fish as well.
The Arrows are not in any numbers any more and the Cuttlefish season is slowly ending. They only have a short life span but some folks going out and catching hundreds does not help. I really don’t understand why - I am happy to go get a dozen and leave them alone especially as they are full of eggs at the moment.
Sand crab season did not seem to have stopped this year as they were getting caught all thru winter. The disappointing thing this year so far very few whales in the Bay hopefully they come in for a rest soon…good and safe fishing .
August 21st 2023
Some really nice days and the weekend was great for the fishing. The calm seas and the fishing is great, the whiting have moved into the Rous and the Small Boat channel on the Maroon side , Darcy Light keeps producing if you want a feed close in. The Blue Hole is packed with them as well. A couple of interesting spots for whiting incoming tide on the Hope Banks and at the first green on Amity Banks where most of us fish for mackerel - lots of whiting in the growth 24 ft deep.
The mackerel are starting to move into the bay from rainbow channel to peel and a few in the Rous will not be long when they will be closer to home .
Cuttlefish are slowing down as the weather warms and the arrows are nearly gone but if you put the time in you can still get a feed. Ormiston and Wello seem best at the moment .
Managed some lovely whitebait overnight which I was thrilled about so happy days for this old fisherman - and my other favourite is at the moment the whiting are full of roe…
Did not get a chance to go snapper fishing but a few nice 40cm were caught at peel till the dolphins turned up..till next time good fishing.
August 18th 2023
Ok week with a few nice days thrown in, whiting are nice and close at the moment at and around Darcy Light in shallow water 3 to 4 ft. It is worth drifting on any of the shallow banks round the area and the cuttlefish are still hanging around but not in the numbers that were there a few weeks back. The mackerel are hard to get in the Rainbow Channel especially with a ton of weed floating - hard to have a diving board out but for those that persisted they picked up a few on the outgoing tide between Amity and tip of Moreton Island.
August 14 2023
The weather was good and the fish and cuttlefish were in good numbers. I hope the cuttlefish stay around a little longer but as the days warm up this might be a problem. But i have to say it's fun catching them and eating them at the moment, from Ormiston all the way to Mud Island - 23 to 35 ft depth just a good drift with your jig just off the bottom and you should get inked and get a feed.
Whiting have started moving into the Rous and Small Boat Channel - better late than never but in good numbers and quality. There have been plenty in the shallows east of Wynnum Creek around the Darcy Light especially with the run in tide.
The mackerel have gone a little quiet but should ramp up again with a few caught north of Amity and a couple in the Rainbow Channel. They should get better and move into the Rous as well.
Snapper season is nearly back so can't wait.
August 6th 2023
Nice three days on the bay started on Friday with weather being good till Sunday which went to poo poo,with rain squalls and wind making it very uncomfortable, but the fishing overall was very good. Went over to one mile and down the rainbow and the mackerel and bonito were in good numbers - managed 3 on the spoons and a couple on pilchards. The ones on pilchards were much bigger fish but Friday was the best, as the tides got bigger the fish went down with one fish caught here and there all the way to amity. Next week will be good again with smaller tides.
On Saturday whiting was on the menu and the amity bank shallows did not disappoint but you had to find which bank they were on and there were plenty .
And Sunday was cuttlefish and arrow day till the weather went wrong but managed during the last hour of outgoing tide to get plenty for dinner .
And keep an eye out as a few whales have come into the bay already on their way south with babies.
Weather not looking great this week maybe a window end of week till then.
July 31st 2023
The mackerel have shown up in large numbers between Myora and One Mile and all thru the channel in that area and a few down opposite amity. Whiting are in plentyfull supply at Amity Banks eastern side of Maroon Gutter. Took out my friend the Whiting Master and he cleaned up on both..and great weather,made it a great day.
July 30th 2023
Great weather and good fishing cant ask for anything more.
School mackerel are surfacing down the rainbow channel ,arrow squid and cuttlefish still in great numbers just wide of Ormiston and Wellington Point and good whiting starting to show in the Rous and Maroon gutter as well as plenty in the shallows around darcy light.
Anchored up for a sleep in Horseshoe Bay and could not believe the size of the squire in 12 ft depth - had to throw them back but it was so much fun when you don’t expect them .
Good news a few whales are showing up in the bay as well ..
Good fishing
July 22nd 2023
I don’t know where the mackerel have gone hoping they show up soon as I have not heard of one being caught, there are tailor and bonito starting in the rainbow and that's where they were this time last year but nothing at the moment.
The good news is that the whiting are in good numbers in the maroon gutter where plenty of small fish in the shallows but bigger fish full of roe in the deeper gutters,also some nice whiting from Wynnum creek to st Helena in the shallow water.
The cuttlefish and arrows are still in great numbers from Ormiston to St Helena and tigers in the shallows at Wellington point and the shallows at Green Island on the whole of the east side.
I remember hearing all these years about no sand crabs in the months with no R in them but after the catches of a few friends in the last couple of days i think that theory has gone out the window. anyway the weather has been great and the rain that’s predicted falls will be great for the whiting coming into the Rous and Small boat channel.
July 16th 2023
Weather great tick’ snapper season closed till august 15th ,sad , and school mackerel have gone extremely quite everywhere very sad…but the good news its the best ever cuttlefish big and small and arrow squid season that i can ever remember and the whiting are hard to find but just need to put the time in finding them.
Ormiston 24 ft mark has some very large cuttlefish and they are all the way to east of St Helena. I have never seen boats in groups of 10 to 15 all catching cuttlefish and arrows great to see and they do taste great. different jigs are working better on different days but the orange and pink and red ebi prawn pattern from daiwa and the yamashita rainbow seem to be the most consistent and hate to say but the cheap kmart razorbacks are also working well .
Great to get some wonderful feedback from a couple of our readers who caught them for the first time and had a ball with the family catching them ,thank you for the lovely email.
Whiting are all thru the Maroon Channel but you need to find them. I am getting them in very shallow water 3 to 4 ft and not in the deeper gutters. Squid strips I am finding best .
July 8 th 2023
Some glorious days out on the bay which is good news for all the families going out during school holidays, the cuttlefish and arrows have been lots of fun from Ormiston to St Helena but seems they are in deeper water again. The whiting are in the Maroon Gutter both ends but a little hard to find, the Blue Hole and the Sandhills has some nice fish as well. Jew fish seem to be all over the place Lazarette Gutter and the Brisbane River are producing plenty. The mackerel have gone very quiet and they should not be - just waiting to see where they pop up either the Rainbow Channel, Rous or close in just have to wait and see. Please be careful out on the bay in strong westerly winds don't listen to some so called tv weatherman that tells you great day on the bay in 20 knot westerlies IT IS NOT especially in small boats.good only close in to shore and in the very southern part of the bay between the islands but not good in the middle .. good fishing Spero
June 30th 2023
Cold and a little windy but its school holidays and personally i think a great time to take the kids out for some fun catching arrow squid and cuttlefish on the eastern side of the mainland and Green and St helena Islands protected from the westerlies .
The cuttlefish and arrows are sitting on the bottom from 19 to 30 ft depth so all you need to do is drift anywhere from Ormiston to St Helena mark the spot you find them and just keep drifting over them or continue they are all over at the moment.
A sinker above the jig is all you need drop to the bottom and wind up a little a jig every now and then helps ,but be prepared to drop lots of cuttlefish as they tend to grab jig from the middle this is where the razorback jigs help a little but i still like my favourites yamashita, daiwa and masuta.
I find a long net helps get plenty close to the boat even when they are not on the barbs as they hold on all the way to the surface if you are winding in slowly.
So take the kids out and the family get inked and have some fun.. to remove ink from the boat i find the 30 second outdoor cleaner from Bunnings is a miracle spray on the ink stains and you can see them disappearing before your eyes and just wash of no scrubbing needed..
have fun with the cephalopods its a great season so far.
June 20th 2023
Great weather and great fishing was the order of the day started last Thursday and went thru till sunday but the schoolies that were biting their heads off slowed up to a stop on sat and Sunday still some around but nothing like thursday friday they were biting like they had not eaten for a week.especially south east of goat island the lazarette gutter and the amity banks and also in the peel side spoons especially smith jigs and kimberly spoons by far outfished all others followed up by halco spoon with gold on but all colours caught fish halco green blue and red as well.
The whiting have been hit and miss depending on the tide run but seems to me, run in for the mackerel and whiting is working best both ends of the maroon gutter are good and the banks opposite peel in the shallows is also good.
Plenty of squire and snapper being caught lazarette was good and some nice fish caught around all bay islands i like last of the outgoing .
The cuttlefish and squid arrows and tigers are close in from wellington point east and king island and east of green the length of the island really shallow for tigers a little deeper for arrows and wide and even deeper and wider east for some very large cuttlefish.
May 8th 2023
Some dead calm days and lots of boats out but not keen on these cold mornings,the good news is if you are like me and like catching cuttlefish and tiger squid then go out as it is the start of a really good season ,they are in great numbers east of wellington king and green island ranging from 20 ft to 30 ft depending on tides, and not only fun to catch but are great tasting as well and i have to say you only need 5 or 10 for a few feeds catching 50 to 100 is something you don't really need to do in my opinion.
They seem to be liking anything with pink and orange but i am finding my favourites still working a treat the daiwa nude in the prawn patterns in the orange and red and the yamashita rol and nkn and the masuta red doing the job because cuttlefish grab the jigs from the side the jarvis walker razorbacks which have prongs on the back as well are worth a try,you will still miss lots but catch plenty as well,i find a long net helps not getting your boat covered in ink but if you do the 30 second mould cleaner from Bunnings works wonders in removing all trace of ink of your boat in seconds best thing i found out by accident many moons ago,but be careful around children with spray adult use only and read instructions.
Fishing at night I netted the smallest i have ever seen cuttlefish smaller then a 5 cent piece ,fully formed with all its patterns .it was amazing to see.
The tiger squid are also in the shallows around green island so depending what you feel like catching ,the fun with tigers is you can see them coming for youre jig in 3 to 4 ft depth which is lots of fun for all the family.
The big tides have put the mackerel down and I would think with this cold hitting us the spotties would have gone ,the bait also went but a few big patches are showing up in the rainbow channel.
Squire and snapper are in good numbers but the big green sea toads are a pain in the butt.
Whiting were pretty slow over the past week but with the smaller tides they should come back on the bite.
So rug up and wait for the nice calm days and please be careful with the strong westerlies in the bay.